"If persons I sponsor advance in SFI faster than I do, should I continue to try to train and support them?"
Of course u should continue train and support them no matter if they advance faster than you.
The sponsor is in SFI for supporting his PSAs and teaching him/her,there is no garanty that they will keep their Team Leader status forever,most of the affiliates become EA2 and then stop working and then is your PSA in trouble and needs your helping hand to continue be succesful in the business
The point of SFI is sponsoring PSAs and teaching them to do what you do and they will follow your example of work.
Tell them to sing up new PSAs every day to have more chances to be succesful in SFI,no one person is a garanty to be a full time worker here or in any other business.
"If persons I sponsor advance in SFI faster than I do, should I continue to try to train and support them?"
Of course u should continue train and support them no matter if they advance faster than you.
The sponsor is in SFI for supporting his PSAs and teaching him/her,there is no garanty that they will keep their Team Leader status forever,most of the affiliates become EA2 and then stop working and then is your PSA in trouble and needs your helping hand ...more