Is quite discussions about the initial investment in the business! The fact is that the more we come to the entrances of fast profits, but there is little forcing and in terms of initial investment. We can now invest a lot of money and acquire leadership positions immediately ... but Why all that .... this is not the SFI is not in such a manner imagined! SFI gave us exactly the plan of progress in the company and plan for minimal investment brings great success. Some individuals do not read and do not studying this plan and with a huge investment in the early days they want some kind of prestige in the community ..... and the end result of such an attitude is the frustration at losing the status of several of the following month!
For me, the START of the first month of work !!!
The budget required for the START I is $ 20 Fast-track $ 2 w3, and about $ 100 for paid advertising space! The basis of our business in that month's read all the files that we prepared SFI team, based on them to make an advertising campaign for the new members and to sell products with TripleClicks! Maximum use free advertising space and try to activate at least 3 members to accompany us in further progress! Duplication is very important for long-term business and it should be our priority in the understanding of this business.
Further business requires more time and more investment money here but I just looked at the START I ...... and in my opinion, this approach gives the mental stability of the business. From the mental stability easily pass the confidence and enjoyment in the business !!!
To work business with the lovingly given better enjoy the results !!!
Is quite discussions about the initial investment in the business! The fact is that the more we come to the entrances of fast profits, but there is little forcing and in terms of initial investment. We can now invest a lot of money and acquire leadership positions immediately ... but Why all that .... this is not the SFI is not in such a manner imagined! SFI gave us exactly the plan of progress in the company and plan for minimal investment brings great success. Some individuals do not read and do ...more