If you have just joined, buy the New Member Pack. At least one of my upline bought five when this was first offered, but do this only if money is no object.
A good Standing Order would include at least the 125 TCredit pack (so that you wouldn't have to worry about reaching EA2 each month), and at least one share in S-Builder (that would also give you a discount on PSAs to Go).. If you have the money, also add at least one pack of thirty gift cards, you can also win these in our auctions.
You can add more items as you earn more, but I think this would give you a good start.
If you have just joined, buy the New Member Pack. At least one of my upline bought five when this was first offered, but do this only if money is no object.
A good Standing Order would include at least the 125 TCredit pack (so that you wouldn't have to worry about reaching EA2 each month), and at least one share in S-Builder (that would also give you a discount on PSAs to Go).. If you have the money, also add at least one pack of thirty gift cards, you can also win these in our auctions.