If your advertising is not getting the expected results, in most cases you are not doing enough of it.Maybe the wrong kind too.
Put up a blog with SFI and Tripleclicks banners along the sides.Advertise this as many places as you can find.When I am reading the Ask SC questions and answers and the Community Forums,I look for new places to advertise.I keep a notepad called Advertising Places.
Personally I advertise in Social and Business Communities, Safe-lists and Traffic Exchanges, and do article writing,place ads on Craig"s List, Linked In and places like them.
To be effective you must reach a minimum of 20,000 people a day.Why so many? Every month there are new businesses opening up,then there are scams,and new biz that just does not have enough financial backing.
If your advertising is not getting the expected results, in most cases you are not doing enough of it.Maybe the wrong kind too.
Put up a blog with SFI and Tripleclicks banners along the sides.Advertise this as many places as you can find.When I am reading the Ask SC questions and answers and the Community Forums,I look for new places to advertise.I keep a notepad called Advertising Places.
Personally I advertise in Social and Business Communities, Safe-lists and Traffic ...more