advertising is the key to determining the success or failure of a business online or off line it. It is crucial that when preparing an ad campaign you to keep in mind that you're working for the people who have the same interests, wants and needs. When preparing a campaign, then, ask yourself: "What are they looking for? What are their needs? What are their needs? ".
Once you have identified these issues, you can start your campaign with the help these good rules that I have selected for you:
1) Remember that it is easier to sell a product back to those who have already bought from you, rather than finding a new customer. Consider, then, that 70% of your investment should be made to re-sell to existing customers, and only 30% to get new ones. Use the mailing list to recontact users and make their offerings so they can boosting customer loyalty even more.
2) Sell only to those interested in your products and especially those who have the money to pay them, do not lower your prices for them. If you want to put something in the promotion, rather, try adding something: as a complementary product free.
3) The best way to get new customers is to let him test your product. So, instead of spending money for the advertising, do so appreciate your product by offering the chance to try it for free.
4) Find out what your product is appreciated by customers. This allows you to focus precisely on that aspect at a time when you will begin to move into your promotional campaign.
5) Remember to give more complete information possible about the product that you want to sell, or about your business. The more information that you know to give the customer, the more you'll know ingolosirlo and encourage him, and most likely you'll have to sell your product.
6) Monitors always the results of your advertising campaign. This advice applies to all activities, so you can always have an eye on what works and what does not work and may decide not to use certain means.
7) Do not try to make sure that your ad campaign is beautiful. No need to be beautiful, it needs to be effective. And to be effective you have to make sure that it is especially persuasive through the words you will use to it. Make sure they are persuasive, they are exciting and they go straight to the point. So you can be sure to obtain concrete results in terms of sales and earnings.
8) Remember to always include the testimonials from satisfied customers. This will allow you to increase your credibility, and if it increases your credibility, increase proportionately your customers.
9) Try to use different types of advertising campaigns and testale. Please try advertising on Google, try the test with flyers or e-mails. And back three points higher in this article, that monitors the results. See which campaigns pull more customers and in what areas. Diversification can be a solution if you realize that a product has more feedback with a campaign rather than another.
10) Do not listen too much to the opinions of others: people always talk so much, but then the facts? They have achieved success with their advertising campaigns? They have provided tangible evidence of their results? Remember that it is important that you trust only the results that have monitored, "paper and sings the words fly," the saying goes, and these are always right.
These 10 golden rules for advertising have been used by many people and they worked: you can utilizzarne some or all, but above all be guided by your experience and your results. A successful advertising is one that is made for a good product, but if a product is invalid even advertising best in the world will not be useful.
Invest primarily on yourself, on your ideas, and then on advertising. Do not do the opposite, customers will only realize it.
And all these rules apply even more to look for new affiliates, because the 'affiliate is the first customer.
Good day off and I hope I have helped you.