SFI has tangible and intangible assets that are unique in the online world.
Their combination yields a unique business that is impossible to copy successfully, although many have tried.
It is an unparalleled combination.
The tangible assets are clearly identified in “SFI by the numbers” we all are familiar with. If you want to refresh your memory, you just need to open the latest “SFI News”. You will find the details there.
The intangible assets are the spirit, the sense of community, the team work that stem from the Forum, Ask SC, a2a, and the business relationships within our upline/downline.
Furthermore, with constant innovations, SFI is ever distancing itself from its competitors. An illustration of such innovations is the improved, new reassignment tool. It is not fully tested yet. But it has the potential to solidifying team building and team cohesion within every upline/downline.
As a result, we have within SFI a loyalty built on common goals, strategies, shared vision and the desire to help one another succeed in the long term. We are working with our team members with the view that their success, in ten years or more, will also be our own success.
This team spirit is completely different from most businesses where loyalty is built upon transactions: from one deal to the next, from one project to the other. Such loyalty is very fragile. It may flitter very easily, whereas the loyalty within SFI is much more enduring, much more lasting.
These are SFI’s intangible assets. I have not found anything comparable.
Similarly, the tangible assets stand out clearly. There is no competition to SFI’s history and track record as reflected within “SFI by the numbers”.
From the parent company, Carson Services, to the new developments of the Eager Zebra Games, it is a long history of success and a very strong track record. We are fortunate to be involved with a business that has proven itself, over and over again.
Not many online opportunities can make such claims.
SFI’s future is even better. We just need to look at the growth numbers in every part of it.
Finally, the ease of doing business within SFI is unmatched.
Where can somebody come today and start working right away without any pre-qualifications of any kind, whether financial or in terms of skills or tools? We have available here all the tools we need, all the training that will make an online business person successful, and a highly competent support system at our fingertips.
All the above is at no cost to us.
SFI has tangible and intangible assets that are unique in the online world.
Their combination yields a unique business that is impossible to copy successfully, although many have tried.
It is an unparalleled combination.
The tangible assets are clearly identified in “SFI by the numbers” we all are familiar with. If you want to refresh your memory, you just need to open the latest “SFI News”. You will find the details there.
The intangible assets