If it was me I would place a Standing order (125 T-credits) so that I would be sure I qualify as EA every month.
With that out of the way I would start a serious campaign to recruit affiliates and to teach them to duplicate what I am doing (just keep in mind they might not have money for a standing order and if you insist they place a standing order they will leave)
Also start advertising TripleClicks products to earn sales commissions. Soon these commissions will pay for your standing order.
Use the 125 T-credits you get every month to bid on auctions, play games, download songs and in the process earn MRP, win T-credits, badges and so on.
You can also use T-credits to pay for some products on Triple Clicks and you can use it to reward or help you affiliates along on their way to success.
With the MRP you earn you can also pay for some products or you can buy more T-credits.
Think about your strategy, take the answers you get here into consideration and then use your money as wise as you can.
If it was me I would place a Standing order (125 T-credits) so that I would be sure I qualify as EA every month.
With that out of the way I would start a serious campaign to recruit affiliates and to teach them to duplicate what I am doing (just keep in mind they might not have money for a standing order and if you insist they place a standing order they will leave)
Also start advertising TripleClicks products to earn sales commissions. Soon these commissions will pay ...more