Hello Michelle,
You have asked a question which concerns all of us. Every Team Leader has dozens of affiliates under them who start off with great enthusiasm, but due to some reason stop working for themselves.
One thing we must remember that such type of affiliates are much better than the affiliates who do not start at all after joining in. So we still have some hope to achieve certain degree of success with those who started with great gusto and then stopped.
Here comes our role as a leader. We should click on their profile to understand them and their situation/difficulties before deciding how to deal with them or how to help them. For that we need to do the following:
1. Contact them by e-mail.
2. Send them motivational messages on PMs
3. Invite them on Facebook.
4. Offer them T-Credits.
5. Offer them Gift Certificates if they promise to restart working.
6. Gift Cards should be sent with an expiry date, so that the money comes back to you.
7. Re-assign them with some active PSAs to work under them.
8. Teach them how to advertise SFI & TC Gateways on Safe Lists & Traffic Exchange websites.
9. Teach them how to use free advertising resources.
10. In fact, you too can advertise their SFI & TC links on your TE Websites.
Hope, Michelle, it helps you !
Cheers !!
Hello Michelle,
You have asked a question which concerns all of us. Every Team Leader has dozens of affiliates under them who start off with great enthusiasm, but due to some reason stop working for themselves.
One thing we must remember that such type of affiliates are much better than the affiliates who do not start at all after joining in. So we still have some hope to achieve certain degree of success with those who started with great gusto and then stopped.