This question is a very good one.We all have that problem. Gery has now added another tool to help us out. We can set up to give 1-9 T credits to each new affiliate.They must use them or they
go back to me 24 hrs. later.
If a EA or EA2 quits flat, I figure he may have other problems.Maybe his computer went out.
Could be a family emergency or having second thoughts.
At this point,I send a Here to Help e-card.I suggest he just to the To Do List for now.
I ask if he needs help from me or has some questions.
If there is no response, I just send the weekly Team Letter. I do not bribe inactive"s with gifts.
That would create a lot of dependents.
This question is a very good one.We all have that problem. Gery has now added another tool to help us out. We can set up to give 1-9 T credits to each new affiliate.They must use them or they
go back to me 24 hrs. later.
If a EA or EA2 quits flat, I figure he may have other problems.Maybe his computer went out.
Could be a family emergency or having second thoughts.
At this point,I send a Here to Help e-card.I suggest he just to the To Do List for now.
I ...more