Convincing a prospective ECA that TripleClicks (TC) can be great for local sales may be more effective if you based your prospecting locally. This is because your knowledge of TC and your understanding of the dynamics of the local area will give your more ammunition to make your case.
In any prospecting endeavour, including for ECA, what you need to sell are the benefits so let your prospective ECA know the following:
1. The approximate number of TC members and SFI affiliates who reside in or are in close proximity to the locality, which are a significant part of his/her customer base.
2. Another important point to make is that these members and affiliates will likely reciprocate the local presence by helping to promote the products because they may have some understanding of the local environment and may want to take advantage also.
3. You should display a vast knowledge of the operations of TC and the locality to the prospective ECA. This is important in order to be taken seriously because you are going to present yourself as somebody who will be there to render assistance and provide guidance that are pertinent to setting up a locally based successful ECA store.
4. See something in the attractiveness of your prospective ECA's products that affiliates and members will like and point these out to your prospect. Let your prospect know that there are locally based affiliates and members who have difficulties getting these products internationally, so will be happy if they can source same locally.
5, Let the prospect know that there is a 'will call' option, in order to reassure the prospect that he/she may not necessarily need to ship all sales; meaning buyers will come and pick up purchases from the ECA store directly.
6. You have to also reassure the prospective ECA that several affiliates have payment option problem and this is one area he/she can exploit as he/she can participate in the Local Pay program, in order to increase potential customer base.
7. You may need to demonstrate to your prospect testimonials of other ECAs that have successfully carried out a locally targeted ECA store.
8. Do not be too casual in your appearance and attitude, be professional and display a high level of integrity, but be sociable.
9. People like sellers who are straight with them, so be ready to talk about the 15% charge on any sales and explain why.
You need to also realise that some may be very skeptical to associate their business with any online organisation, so your first duty may be to convince your prospective ECAs of the benefits of opening an online store and why TC is an attractive place to do that, before you go Local.
Convincing a prospective ECA that TripleClicks (TC) can be great for local sales may be more effective if you based your prospecting locally. This is because your knowledge of TC and your understanding of the dynamics of the local area will give your more ammunition to make your case.
In any prospecting endeavour, including for ECA, what you need to sell are the benefits so let your prospective ECA know the following:
1. The approximate number of TC members and SFI affiliates