After joining SFI and learned enough to start enrolling new affiliates my first concern was, how am I going to be able to give support to my new affiliates? I know my communication shills are not that impressive. I spell and miss-use words so bad that even my computer can’t figure out what I am trying to say.
What has been amazing to me is that my communication skill level did not matter at all. What really matters is that I was willing to find the necessary information to pass down to my new affiliates to fulfill their questions.
With that being said; I can say that your communication skills will not matter very much if you are truly trying to lead and direct your team.
In your home business with SFI and TripleClicks you will find out that there are a lot of things that you need to share with your down-line, up-line and A2A friends. Your communication skills will improve as you continue to share your knowledge with everyone you are associated with.
You will find that the heart of your success in SFI and TripleClicks will not hinge on how good you are able to communicate. Success comes into focus on how well you build relationships with your teammates.
When you sit down with your friends do you worry about how your friends will understand you with your communication skills so low? NO – you enjoy their company and your communication skills never enter the conversation. Do the same thing with your SFI teammates, enjoy the relationship and be yourself.
Am I saying not to better your communication level? NO - I personally keep a “word list” with definitions added so I can learn how to better my communication skills. I also learned that the more I read the better I transmit my ideas through the use of my language.
The concern for your teammates shows in the question you have asked – and that my friend will take you to the pinnacle (The extreme top) of success.
After joining SFI and learned enough to start enrolling new affiliates my first concern was, how am I going to be able to give support to my new affiliates? I know my communication shills are not that impressive. I spell and miss-use words so bad that even my computer can’t figure out what I am trying to say.
What has been amazing to me is that my communication skill level did not matter at all. What really matters is that I was willing to find the necessary information