I think you need explain to your team that the SFI Affiliate Center is like showing up at their "virtual office" and doing their daily tasks for the day – every day. It will get them into the habit of taking care of business, especially if they're still in an "employee" mindset.
The Affiliate Center is key to the success in building and growing this business. The more often you log in and do the tasks, the more you'll learn and grow. Just like with any other business or "job," you need to be there and take care of what needs to be done.
That's how I look at it. And that's how I explain it to my team too.
I go to my "office" and do what needs to be done, and I get "paid" with VPs, which converts into cash in my account.
Yes, there are some members who are at higher levels who don't log in every day, but I think of them more or less as absentee business owners. They've reached their qualification levels by starting out logging in every day and earning their points – taking care of business – and growing their teams to do the same.
Once they've built a solid team, they don't have to log in every day in order to earn their qualifying points.
But every new member needs to be "at the office" every day until their members are able to stand on their own and do what needs to be done.
I hope this helps!
I think you need explain to your team that the SFI Affiliate Center is like showing up at their "virtual office" and doing their daily tasks for the day – every day. It will get them into the habit of taking care of business, especially if they're still in an "employee" mindset.
The Affiliate Center is key to the success in building and growing this business. The more often you log in and do the tasks, the more you'll learn and grow. Just like with any other business