Think of the compensation you earn from SFI in terms of a delicious turkey meal. The direct commissions on sales is the meat and the Co-sponsor commissions are the potatoes. Your TCredit status bonus and the ECA Referral money would be as the veggies and the stuffing. The pay-per-action if you do that might be a desert for afterwards.
The TripleClicks Executive Pool is the wonderful gravy ladled on top of it all.
I'm getting this from the compensation plan page linked below and any vegetarians or people from other cultures with different dietary preferences should insert other meal entree's to suit their palates.
That exquisitely tasty gravy or whatever flavorful sauce you choose to equate to the Executive pool is worth 40% of the CV on every single TripleClicks sale and it is distributed from as deep as 6 levels down for a Bronze Team Leader and up to 12 Tiers for a Diamond. So as your affiliates become more active you have extra incentive to achieve higher and higher standing.
SFI grows and prospers from the positive and success of the all the participants that drive sales at TripleClicks. Sponsors grow and prosper from the SFI Affiliates fledging their wings at marketing and promoting. The Executive Pool is the distribution system that ensures that everyone benefits from the success of the whole system.
Think of the compensation you earn from SFI in terms of a delicious turkey meal. The direct commissions on sales is the meat and the Co-sponsor commissions are the potatoes. Your TCredit status bonus and the ECA Referral money would be as the veggies and the stuffing. The pay-per-action if you do that might be a desert for afterwards.
The TripleClicks Executive Pool is the wonderful gravy ladled on top of it all.