To create a good marketing plan for myself to ensure success in SFI, here’s what I do.
SFI has the best marketing plan in the world already, so I find it easier to base my own on a proven and successful marketing plan, and not try to reinvent the wheels that is already running so very smoothly.
SFI has given us The Plan to follow, and Rules of Success to guide us in our journey.
So my own marketing plan is as simple and as uncomplicated as SFI BASICs.
. Become EA and remain EA every month by setting up a Standing Order that will help with maintaining my rank as well as build my team.
. Sponsor 5 serious, committed, hardworking and ambitious people using SFI’s sponsoring tools as well as my own .
. Teach these 5 like-minded affiliates to do the things I have done.
With a modest budget of $100 to $300 a month, this helped me to pay for my Standing Orders of 4 shares in S-Builder Co-op and 4 x125 TCredit Packs with a total of only $233.
My shares in S-Builder Co-op, as well as buying PSAs from ECA, helps with advertising globally which relieves stress in having to manage advertising on my own. It helps build my team as well as give me PRMs .
The 500 TCredits enable me to bid at Pricebenders auctions for items such as TCredits Packages,PSA/CSA Packages, Gift Cards, etc. as well as earn the maximum 500 Action VP and MRPs, win PSAs from Bid & Build, and 4 TCredits from Flash Drawings.
Adding 5 of my Workers to my S-Builder Co-op and sharing PSAs won from Bid & Build with my deserving downlines helped boost my team's growth.
Moving up to the next rank month after month and helping my team to build and achieve their dreams is the heart and soul of my Marketing Plan until I and my team reach our ultimate destination- DTL!
To create a good marketing plan for myself to ensure success in SFI, here’s what I do.
SFI has the best marketing plan in the world already, so I find it easier to base my own on a proven and successful marketing plan, and not try to reinvent the wheels that is already running so very smoothly.
SFI has given us The Plan to follow, and Rules of Success to guide us in our journey.
So my own marketing plan is as simple and as uncomplicated as SFI BASICs.