The World is full of Bargain hunters who want to live a good life on the Cheap! When I read your question I thought about the book I purchased on Triple Clicks Called Bargain Junkie by Anne Korzen.
Garage sales is a powerful marketing tool for getting TC members because there are many people like Anne Korzen who like to buy nice Clothes, arts, Antiques and Collectibles but do not like to spend too much money so here is your chance to have your own garage sale or introduce bargainististas to other member listings. The only problem is I have no idea if you get VersaPoints or Direct Commissions from Garage Sales but I know that if you have allot of unwanted stuff you can get good cash that in turn can come in handy because you will have money to invest when it comes to building your Business on SFI.
Let me give you a Visual example let's say you sponsored 5 active PSA who are team Leaders so you decide to set up a contest consisting of them having to Organize a Garage Sale of at least 10 items so you see which one sells first and earns the highest amount of Money then you can reward them with reassigning about 20 or 40 PSA some can be new sign UPS and others can be EA Or TL that you sponsored within 90 Days to get 5 points each. The point is your garage sales can earn you enough money to buy PSA, TCredits or gift Certificates to reward your team with.
Growing your Business is also about advertising in order to Sell Products, Sponsor, or if you want to Open your own Store so the advertising that costs money can be spent from the money you earn in the garage sales.
Promoting Garage Sales allows more customers to buy products on TripleClicks making it more successful so SFI business will grow and provide better opportunities for you and all affiliates. Why do you think SFI is so successful? Yes Sales the Garage is just one of them.
The moral of the Story is if you need money to invest then sell your unwanted Stuff! You also know that duplication is teaching your affiliates to do the same? If they to do garage sales imagine how much money they will have in order to grow their business!
Good Luck!
The World is full of Bargain hunters who want to live a good life on the Cheap! When I read your question I thought about the book I purchased on Triple Clicks Called Bargain Junkie by Anne Korzen.
Garage sales is a powerful marketing tool for getting TC members because there are many people like Anne Korzen who like to buy nice Clothes, arts, Antiques and Collectibles but do not like to spend too much money so here is your chance to have your own garage sale or introduce bargainististas