Spam by definition is any unsolicited or undesired communication. So it is not necessary solicitations sent by email. The solicitation could actually not be considered spam if received with good will. For example, many internet marketers just reverse market to people who send them information about other business opportunities.
However in home business forums, you would do best to bring value to the conversation at the forum. You have to differentiate yourself from the typical internet marketer. Much of what you see in these areas are nothing more than a hard pitch for one business opportunity or another. There is no shortage of opportunities. Yet, there is a great need for value.
Therefore, you must follow the conversation and tone of the forum. Then offer valuable feedback on the topic at hand. Solve problems for other marketers and genuinely show goodwill. Every forum is linked to your profile. Be sure that your profile is professionally done and complete. You will have the opportunity to post a reference to your business opportunity from your profile. Anyone interested in what you do, can simply click on your profile and if they like what value you bring then they may ask you more about your business opportunity. This is the best approach to get members of home business forums interested in SFI.
Finally, you can do a joint venture with someone on the forum after you have built a relationship with them. Joint ventures can be very profitable but they don't just happen. Again you must offer exceptional value and distinguish yourself as an authority on the forum. Never just message a stranger and pretend that you are interested in them just so you can solicit SFI to them. Build relationships. Let the conversation flow naturally.
Spam by definition is any unsolicited or undesired communication. So it is not necessary solicitations sent by email. The solicitation could actually not be considered spam if received with good will. For example, many internet marketers just reverse market to people who send them information about other business opportunities.
However in home business forums, you would do best to bring value to the conversation at the forum. You have to differentiate yourself from the typical ...more