Thanks for this question.
We get Sponsor in 2 ways.
1. We are introduced to SFI directly by them;
2. We joined SFI on our own (like myself) & Sponsors are assigned to us by SFI;
In any case, once we get a Sponsor directly or indirectly, we should get adequate support, at least in the first few months helping us to perform smartly & start earning income within a reasonable time.
Sponsors should help their down lines with all their heart to grow and succeed.
They should:
1. Explain the Business concepts properly;
2. Teach/Educate systematically;
3. Intervene when situation warrants;
4. Correct errors if any in the working methodology;
5. Communicate regularly (& not just to secure AVP);
6. Help in building the Team;
7. Inspire through their own performance/achievements;
8. Motivate (best performers at least if not every one) through incentives;
9. Be active & a Role Model to follow;
10.Suggest ways & means to grow & succeed;
11. Have the heart to share how do they succeed;
12. Reassign a really active & performing PSA & not some one who is inactive;
13. Be prepared to contact down line (Even a non seeking one!) on their own with genuine concern;
14. Above all, keep up dating their Leadership Page regularly.
1. These are major indicative parameters to evaluate the performance of Sponsors.
2. If you like, you can add your own parameters;
3 Our growth & success also play a big role in their growth & success;
4. If they understand this & support their down line, they are the " Awesome Sponsors".
5. You can check your Sponsor's compliance against any/some or all of these parameters & rate
his/her performance accordingly.
Thanks for this question.
We get Sponsor in 2 ways.
1. We are introduced to SFI directly by them;
2. We joined SFI on our own (like myself) & Sponsors are assigned to us by SFI;
In any case, once we get a Sponsor directly or indirectly, we should get adequate support, at least in the first few months helping us to perform smartly & start earning income within a reasonable time.
Sponsors should help their down lines with all their heart to