A hammer in the hands of a novice carpenter is no good. All they will do is smack their fingers every-time! Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder just as 1 man's junk is another's treasure. The tools are there for us to learn how to use them effectively which takes practice. To become a professional marketer, you have to practice, and practice and practice.
That said, I'll end with this. There was an old violin in a box and a lad found it. Intrigued, he tried to play it. It was a valiant attempt - even though, the dogs started howling, and the neighbors shut their windows. Finally the lad, took the violin to his grandfather who took it and sat the lad beside him as he began to play Partita 2 in D Minor.
The lad looked at his grandfather with big winsome, weepy, eyes and said "Grandpa, why can't I play like that?" His grandfather smiled and said, "All you need is to have the touch of a master violinist." It's not the tool, it's the skill level of the one who is using the tool that is the issue. Practice with a master and you are sure to gain mastery in time.
A hammer in the hands of a novice carpenter is no good. All they will do is smack their fingers every-time! Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder just as 1 man's junk is another's treasure. The tools are there for us to learn how to use them effectively which takes practice. To become a professional marketer, you have to practice, and practice and practice.
That said, I'll end with this. There was an old violin in a box and a lad found it. Intrigued, he tried to play it. ...more