It is easy to earn maximum income without investment with SFI if you are satisfied with the maximum income you get may be zero! It depends on how much zero or slightly above satisfies your income goal.
Every person has a different "satisfaction" level, and the swiftness with which they can reach it. Some come to SFI with a background of years of MLM experience and a huge following. They can become Diamonds in one month by investment in time, time and money or value in their following.
You wouldn't think (as some do) that you can become wealthy by pushing buttons on a computer instead of actively working. Some But are you willing to believe you can do so also? No, it is much like a recipe or, building yourself a home. You wouldn't start building a home without a blueprint, materials, labor, and time.. Lacking any one of these will make it extremely difficult to complete a satisfactory or successful goal.. Which of them do you lack?. Time? Drive? Willingnesss to follow directions? This is not meant to discourage you by any means .Instead, it is meant to make YOU THINK!
I believe you will join the rank of the successful if you acknowledge investment.comes in many forms. So you can see why approximately 50% or more never get beyond becoming an affiliate. in name only. They want someone else to do the work for them..Then another 50% of the remaining drop out at the beginning of the 3rd month because the first month is easy to get the VPs in month one. That leaves only 25% remaining.Another 50% drop out at the beginning of the second year. This leaves about 10% remaining who obtain the goal that they wished to attain.initially. Only about 1% really become wealthy after 5-10 years.
Of course these are more or less calculated guesses on my part.. Do your own analysis on the 2 million affiliates I understand have become members of SFI. My own opinion would be that only 1% obtain six figure incomes without investing $50 per month other valuable input.
FYI, the biggest mistake that is made in the vital first 24 hours.Instead of investing $36.25 for a 125 TCredit Standing Order immediately and deciding to maintain that SO for one year as an easy small montlly investment, they try to reach the 1500 VP EA rank using up all their OTOs (OneTimeOnly) VPs/ and doing all 30 LaunchPad Lesson Answer in one day instead of getting the 1500 SV P and 100 AVP FREE for simply exchanging the $36.25 for TCredits as a monthly investment.
I hope this helps you get started wisely and avoids later difficulties which one correct INVESTMENT STEP will improve your and your down line's success rate 100%.
Thank you for asking. It is the wisest plank in your successful career . building with SFI.
It is easy to earn maximum income without investment with SFI if you are satisfied with the maximum income you get may be zero! It depends on how much zero or slightly above satisfies your income goal.
Every person has a different "satisfaction" level, and the swiftness with which they can reach it. Some come to SFI with a background of years of MLM experience and a huge following. They can become Diamonds in one month by investment in time, time and money or value in their following.