Any business requires investments. The level of resources and their efficient use determine the quality of outcome: the bottom line of our business results in our "Loss and Profits" statement. Time is the most valuable resource. It is not expandable. We all have the same amount. How we use our time efficiently in running our business is the major factor. Financial resources may be necessary at some point. But, from the moment we start, use of our time will be of essence. It is the most important investment.
Your question, actually point to the aspects of "How far can we go without making financial investments, or re-investing at least part of our earnings into SFI. My answer will be in the first two months.
However we should note that choosing to do so will be costly to a large extent. An affiliate who does not have a Standing Order (SO) in their first month, does not get the New Member Pack (NMP) will miss the Gold Fast Track and the Pin that is rewarded for it. They will also miss the 100 bonus action VersaPoints that come with the SO. Unless they finish all "Getting started" and "Intermediate Activity" as well as their Launchpad lessons, they will not do well in the E365 contest.
If they choose to go through all the activity in their first month, they will very likely struggle to maintain their rank in the second month.
It may be a costly decision for an affiliate to choose to start their SFI journey without investing financially, especially if they have the means to do so.
For an affiliate who does not have disposable financial resources to invest in SFI, or does not wish to do so with "out of pocket" expenditures, the first month is critical. This first month is both the learning period and the best opportunity to involve their "warm market" (family, friends, business relationships, and other acquaintances). It is very much conceivable that one can start building their SFI business in their first two months and earn commissions accordingly. The larger the team their build, the greater their potential for earning commissions and sales revenues.
Their sponsoring should focus both on bringing in Personally sponsored affiliates (PSA) and e-Commerce Affiliates (CSAs)
Their sales efforts should also involve Tripleclicks Direct products and ECA listings. They can also sell Pricebenders auction membership and earn hefty commissions.
If the affiliate is focused enough to successfully learn the inner workings of SFI, its rules of success, advertising, sponsoring, selling to their warm market and outside, they can compensate for the lack of financial investments. This will require from them a great deal of time, focus, determination and relentlessness.
From that early success, it is imperative to re-invest some of the earnings. It is self evident that a Standing order is critical.
It is also important to continue the same focus and time allocation in running the business.
It an affiliate has missed the E365 qualifications but subsequently maintain the rank of Bronze Team Leader (BTL), they may be reintegrated in the E365 final round.
The team built in the first month from the warm market and from free advertising should be strengthened with increased paid advertising, the use of S-Builder Co-op, PSAs to go, Bid&Build auctions, and other sponsoring avenues.
In summary, an affiliate can start without financial investments, but as soon as they succeed earning commissions, they should re-invest part of their earnings.