All our built-in SFI and Tripleclicks activities are thoroughly, efficiently and accurately tracked with the SFI various reports. It is actually unique and reassuring to know that every action we take to grow our business, interact with our team members, and our colleague affiliates, is tracked and the results provided to us in a very short time. Within an hour or so, we can see the actions we have undertaken and their results.
It would be redundant to try to initiate another tracking system that would hardly be as accurate, as effective, and as timely. Let's look at what we have available at no costs to us and with no additional efforts from our part.
The "To-do-list" and the "VP Ledger" give us instant display of our daily, weekly and monthly activity. This combination is unparalleled as business tools to help us see where we stand, audit our work and the work of our team members.
The "scoreboard", instantly, tracks and summarizes our earnings, our perks and our rank. We know where we stand and how we are progressing towards the end of the month. We also know how we rank in relation to our peers. Our monthly perks such as free Tcredits, Second Home CSAs are posted for us to see how well we are doing and the side benefits we are enjoying.
The "Goal" tab helps us plan our daily work in relation to our monthly goals as well as our overall objectives in term of wealth building and rank achievements. It also gives us the results and our standing in relations to our sales and sponsoring goals: how many affiliates have we sponsored; the sales volume we are generated, and how far we are from reaching our monthly goals.
The "Movers" tab gives us up to fifty (50) of our most active PSAs and CSAs combined.
The "Genealogy" page provides us with a comprehensive view of our team with details on each affiliate. For those of us who have large teams, we have filters to help up pull the data most relevant to the queries we are carrying at that moment.
We also have the "Hit Tracking report". When used efficiently, it gives us the results of our sales and sponsoring efforts outside of SFI/Tripleclicks.
I do not think that we could easily duplicate such tracking system with its level of details, accuracy, efficiency and timeliness.
However, all our activities outside of SFI and some of the personal needs we may have, that are unique to every one of us cannot be tracked here. We have to organize ourselves to meet those needs. For instance, (i) recording all the places where we are advertising, our personal websites, blogs, social media accounts need to be recorded and brought in together to give us a dashboard of our efforts and their results. Similarly, the transactions we conduct with Tripleclicks may be both for business reasons and for personal needs. For tax purpose, we should separate them and record them accordingly.
To track this important part of our business and personal life, we can combine spreadsheets and filing systems. We can find the necessary tools with the major online providers such as Google, MSN and others. In Google (Gmail) as well as in MSN or Yahoo free mail services, we have the opportunity to create labels in which we file our documents, both from SFI and those we create, such as the spreadsheets, our notes, our sales and sponsoring tracking tools, the tracking codes we are using and changing occasionally, and so forth..