By doing these actions will save you time. This way you'll know what's going on with what you are doing and how well you are doing.
Organize your activity
Bookmarking and creating folders at your web browser is a vary great idea to organizing your pages till you know where the information your looking for is wehre it is and the knowledge you gain for your training.
Note: You may create folders in folders and so on, don't create too many in one folder. Organize them buy giving them names.
Note Pad is another way of keep track of your activity throughout the days, weeks and months.
Note: Don't use Word Pad, this takes too much space in your computer.
Screen Shot is another way of keep track as an image. This way you'll see the image you saved. Create a Folder in your computer for each activity you wish. Just give each one a name this way you'll know where to save your work. You may also use a Note Pad for your personal information to what your saving.
Tracking your activity
You can now save your Hit Tracking for your links you create with your Key Codes. This way when you buy Leads or Advertising Hits from the Advertisers at your TripleClicks (TC) store you'll know how much you receive from them throughout the week(s). By doing this you'll know where to promote and where to stop promoting.
Bookmarking, Folders, Note Pad and Images is a great way to keeping track of your activity and keeping organized that will save you time and keep you on top your business.
Think smarter not harder.
By doing these actions will save you time. This way you'll know what's going on with what you are doing and how well you are doing.
Organize your activity
Bookmarking and creating folders at your web browser is a vary great idea to organizing your pages till you know where the information your looking for is wehre it is and the knowledge you gain for your training.
Note: You may create folders in folders and so on, don't create too many in one folder. Organize them buy giving