The Country/Region sub-forums were created as a subset of SFI Forum to help affiliates from other country/region whose primary language is not English. This is a very effective tool for Team Leaders/Sponsors originating from other countries/regions whose mother tongue is not English but possessed a good command of English and has gained several years of experience in running his/her SFI business.
How to use effectively the Country/Region sub-forums to help your team members whose primary language is not English?
- Through this medium, the Team Leader/Sponsor can invite his/her team members to clarify in his/her native language the principles that make SFI a real online home based business with the potential of earning a lifetime residual income.
- He/she would be able to explain clearly in his/her native language important terminologies, such as Duplication, Standing Order, TCurrency, S-Builder Co-op, VP Matching, TripleClicks Executive Pool, Pricebenders, EZ games, etc.
- The sub-forum will enable Team Leader/Sponsor with his/her team members not only to maintain connection regularly but most especially share ideas, experiences/challenges in life and business for discussion, for finding and offering solutions in order to help them in their personal development and growth in regards to their SFI business. By doing this, he/she will begin to establish close relationship with his/her team members.
- The use of his/her own native language in communicating with his/her team members will facilitate the flow of information in his/her organization and widen his/her team’s knowledge base. How will it affect his/her SFI business? It could mean more members will become active and as a result significant numbers of affiliates will appear in his/her Movers tab achieving EA, EA2, or even BTL in his/her team.
As a Team Leader/Sponsor, you should remind your team members not to rely solely on the sub-forums for help in their SFI business, but rather encourage them to learn English, which is SFI official language. By doing so, they will become independent and truly entrepreneur. They’ll be able to join the SFI forum, gaining more knowledge through interaction with other affiliate members worldwide and perhaps form long lasting connections. Speaking another language like English is like a freedom to move around, communicate and express yourself.
The Country/Region sub-forums were created as a subset of SFI Forum to help affiliates from other country/region whose primary language is not English. This is a very effective tool for Team Leaders/Sponsors originating from other countries/regions whose mother tongue is not English but possessed a good command of English and has gained several years of experience in running his/her SFI business.
How to use effectively the Country/Region sub-forums to help your team members whose primary