Generally speaking if you notice people, including strangers who may not know each other but if they find that both of you speak the same language, there is a common ground to start a conversation. Language becomes the basis on which you can talk about any subject starting from asking for directions to how to work an automated drink machine!
The Forum's sub category of being able to talk/converse and communicate in your vernacular is very similar. Team members from the same country will understand common problems with a lot more ease if explained in a common language. This facilitates problems and queries being sorted out in a faster way. Better informed and more experienced affiliates in your region will help you out.
In addition, as there is no restriction of posting in English, team members who may be new to the business can post a thread without feeling embarrassed about the query they are asking. Some affiliates hesitate to post in the Forum because they wonder how others will think about them. There are no barriers to what you will post provided you conform to the rules and regulations (which the Forum Gurus in your country will make a check on and ensure that there are no violations).
Generally speaking if you notice people, including strangers who may not know each other but if they find that both of you speak the same language, there is a common ground to start a conversation. Language becomes the basis on which you can talk about any subject starting from asking for directions to how to work an automated drink machine!
The Forum's sub category of being able to talk/converse and communicate in your vernacular is very similar. Team members from the same country will ...more