Share efforts with others. Create a close intimate team of 3 (including yourself) to start the business explosion.
Down line growth does not require you to invest any funding but does require that you put the time info planning who, where, and how you will recruit not only PSA's, CSA's but also ECA members. All who join your team will then be part of the process to collaborate efforts to create a strong business to earn you and them unlimited income through SFI.
SFI was not meant to be done alone or in silence but to be done together and to be shared with others.
Create a plan that has you spending your time networking with others to promote the benefits of SFI - the unlimited outcome that can be achieved through SFI. The ECA program as an example is an excellent way for local businesses that you often use to share their products with others through the TripleClicks store. The sales that the ECA makes becomes commission that you earn and because of being an affiliate you too can help to promote/market his or her product too.
Share efforts with others. Create a close intimate team of 3 (including yourself) to start the business explosion.
Down line growth does not require you to invest any funding but does require that you put the time info planning who, where, and how you will recruit not only PSA's, CSA's but also ECA members. All who join your team will then be part of the process to collaborate efforts to create a strong business to earn you and them unlimited income through SFI.