No matter what our life is like - able bodied, dis-able bodied, person with no marketing skills can participate in the SFI business.
The program that SFI is built on is one of shared knowledge. Everyone who is an affiliate has added to the growth of SFI for the past 15 years so all that is now with SFI is built on prior knowledge of what works and what does not work.
New affiliates joining have the opportunity to soar high with SFI. SFI is a universal program and the way we succeed is knowledge. We create our own knowledge by learning, observing and then utilizing all that we have learned and observed.
Marketing strategies are offered through various resources that SFI offers to all affiliates for free. We are able to learn marketing strategies when we learn from our Launch Pad Lessons, connect with others and read Forum posts, ask questions of other affiliates and up-line members, and use the Training tab available on our main affiliate page. Another resource to use are the posts that are on the Tips tab and Stream tab too - I also very much enjoy reading TeamMail messages too - all of which contain gems to help with improved marketing of SFI.
It is important that an affiliate is viewed as someone who has something to offer others. It should not matter the person's heritage, ethnic back-ground, religious belief system nor ability or dis-ability.
We are all in this together and the more diverse our affiliate membership is the stronger SFI will become as we need input from people of all walks of life to improve upon SFI today to make our futures stronger.
Welcome Aboard the best on-line business around!
No matter what our life is like - able bodied, dis-able bodied, person with no marketing skills can participate in the SFI business.
The program that SFI is built on is one of shared knowledge. Everyone who is an affiliate has added to the growth of SFI for the past 15 years so all that is now with SFI is built on prior knowledge of what works and what does not work.
New affiliates joining have the opportunity to soar high with SFI. SFI is a universal program and the way we