Sponsor is here to introduce you with SFI business. To show you how to do your tasks on TO DO list and to learn you how to earn money. He/ she can help you in different ways, teaching you, help you with building your team, solve problems with you, warn you when you make mistakes, etc. But the most important is that you need to show willingness to learn and work. Sponsor or co-sponsor is here to help you but you must do all the work. You can make success even without sponsor or co-sponsor but it is slower and harder.
Sponsor is here to introduce you with SFI business. To show you how to do your tasks on TO DO list and to learn you how to earn money. He/ she can help you in different ways, teaching you, help you with building your team, solve problems with you, warn you when you make mistakes, etc. But the most important is that you need to show willingness to learn and work. Sponsor or co-sponsor is here to help you but you must do all the work. You can make success even without sponsor or co-sponsor but it is ...more