Any tool that shortens the time to help find Vendor ECA's is an advantage.
I find it very useful to see the spotlighted ECAs for the day. And enjoy reviewing
their products.
And, the reminders for "Reminder for How to Grow your income by referring ECA's"
section is a helpful list of short cuts to the information needed.
The "Find ECA" section not only lets you see who is closer to home, it provides
vendors who provide special advantages. ie: less shipping charges or none at all,
will accept MRPs, etc.
This page is an excellent time saving and ECA profiling tool.
Any tool that shortens the time to help find Vendor ECA's is an advantage.
I find it very useful to see the spotlighted ECAs for the day. And enjoy reviewing
their products.
And, the reminders for "Reminder for How to Grow your income by referring ECA's"
section is a helpful list of short cuts to the information needed.
The "Find ECA" section not only lets you see who is closer to home, it provides
vendors who provide special advantages. ...more