Hello Paul, thanks for asking the question
I found out most Sponsors fail to notice their affiliate because they refuse to be responding to the advice and support from the sponsor.
Firstly, as a new affiliate, every sponsor expect to recieve a message from you about your commitment and dedication to the SFI business. Every sponsor will notice an affiliate who is really determined to go far with the the business and grow the foundation of the team. As a sponsor I will be on the lookout for such affiliate incase he or she has any challenges.
Secondly, You need to fill in your Affiliate form. Its very important so that the sponsor will know you strenght and area of concentration. If you are interested in Pricebender or duplication and you have challenges, your sponsor will always have information to send to you, especially if you ask question about them.
Also, there is nothing that earns you more recognition as when you qualify for at least EA every month. All sponsor tend to notice EAs as they will be expecting more incomes from the Executive Pool. You can make a Standing Order upto 1500VP to make you a EA. I receive at least 1PSA from my Upline sponsor for becoming EA, that means becoming EA made him notice me and I was rewarded.
Participate in pricebender and EZ games, become a Fast Track member. Its one way through which Sponsors recognise their PSA. They recieve badges reading the numbers of Fast Track theh havs in their downline.
Participate in team contest, ask questions and be ready to sponsor more.
I hope this helps. Take care and cheers
Hello Paul, thanks for asking the question
I found out most Sponsors fail to notice their affiliate because they refuse to be responding to the advice and support from the sponsor.
Firstly, as a new affiliate, every sponsor expect to recieve a message from you about your commitment and dedication to the SFI business. Every sponsor will notice an affiliate who is really determined to go far with the the business and grow the foundation of the team. As a sponsor I will