Apart from connecting professionals and advancing one’s career, Linkedln can also be used to create a useful and appropriate network for building your SFI business. However, the first step will be to create a very good and attractive profile because this will facilitate the exposure of your SFI business as I will discuss shortly.
Assuming you now understand the workings of Linkedln, the next step will be to create a personal company page which you will use to promote your SFI business. You are going to link this company page from your Linkedln profile, so this is why I earlier mentioned the importance of creating a fantastic profile. You are going to create powerful and attractive contents and images relating to your SFI business, including major achievements, updates, what you are currently working on, new feature TC products etc. At this stage you are now set to promote your company page to members.
The next thing should be to engage in active group participation by forming yours and joining others in order to increase exposure to your SFI company page. You can start a group with members of common interest like home business executives, pricebender enthusiasts or Eagle Zebra fans etc. Enter into discussions with professionals in order to establish a sound reputation, so that members will be willing to associate with your kind of business.
You may need to send messages and invitations to your network, but you must avoid spamming them as this can put you in trouble. Invitations could be to webinars and other events where you discuss and share professional issues and you can build on this relationship to promote certain aspects of your SFI business. How about inviting members of your network to come and partner with you and form a formidable and sustainable SFI business and by that, they may just become your PSAs.
Position your profile and company page to benefit from Linkedln search feature just like Google search, by using appropriate and unsaturated or unique words to headline your contents and also in the body of parts of your resume section in your Linkedln profile. Remember, your strategy is to expose members to your personal SFI company promotion page as much as possible, so always make reference to it in whatever step you take in your profile.
You see, irrespective of these opportunities offered by Linkedln to promote any business, many still don’t take it seriously, but if you actively and seriously work Linkedln as a very vital aspect of your social media marketing strategy, then your chances of building a successful SFI business through it are increased.
Apart from connecting professionals and advancing one’s career, Linkedln can also be used to create a useful and appropriate network for building your SFI business. However, the first step will be to create a very good and attractive profile because this will facilitate the exposure of your SFI business as I will discuss shortly.
Assuming you now understand the workings of Linkedln, the next step will be to create a personal company page which you will use to promote your SFI business.