Sponsoring and duplication is the core business within SFI and this is therefore a non-stop exercise from the moment you join the business. It is important that we understand that sponsoring does not mean that you will earn a four or five figure income once you do that. It depends on how many active members you will sponsor and how effective their strategies of duplication are that will determine your success.
You can sponsor 100 affiliates in one month and find that you have 10 active affiliates whereas in the 2nd month you can sponsor 50 affiliates and have 20 active members. There is no definitive measure by which you will be in a position to assess how many active affiliates will join your team.
The chances of having more active affiliates increase when you sponsor a higher number of people and this is probably the basis on which you should pan out your advertising campaign. On the other hand it is also possible that you pick and choose just 5 affiliates each month and ensure that each one becomes active before they can duplicate and follow your example.
The amount of resources at your disposal will also determine the number you will sponsor each month if you are looking at paid advertising.
Whatever your targets are, you must understand that there is no point in sponsoring 100s of affiliates none of whom will become active! Your personal input with the affiliates you sponsor is of paramount importance so keep in mind that your work is incomplete once you sponsor "a number" of affiliates. They in turn must have the presence of mind to continue with the business that you have started and sponsor more........the chain continues!
Sponsoring and duplication is the core business within SFI and this is therefore a non-stop exercise from the moment you join the business. It is important that we understand that sponsoring does not mean that you will earn a four or five figure income once you do that. It depends on how many active members you will sponsor and how effective their strategies of duplication are that will determine your success.
You can sponsor 100 affiliates in one month and find that you have 10 active ...more