Hi Izabella!
Some, if not most of our affiliates don't visit their Sponsor's/Co-Sponsors Leadership Page. For best use to motivate and inspire your team using your Leadership Page is to make sure that your team does visit your Leadership Page. Posting valuable information in your page when your team is not visiting it, it becomes invaluable. Even posting contests won't work because they won't know/see them.
>>Blog - In your blog, share stories and information that will motivate help your downline.
Greetings - This is the text that appears beside your photo. In this section, introduce yourself to your team members and let them know in what ways you will be supporting them. If you've experienced success with SFI, share this good news too.
>>Reward/Incetntives - Set up incentives and rewards for your downline members. This is a proven way to create excitement and growth in your group. Even your lazy downline will start working in order to win the prizes.
>>I Recommend - Sometimes you find people asking in the Ask SC/Forum what product/s can they buy for Standing Orders. Here you can add products/games and auctions you recommend/ones that works for you.
>>Recognition - Use this page to recognize those in your team who are working extra hard, accomplishing goals, reaching milestones, winning contests, etc. This will motivate and inspire your team.
>>My Best Tip - Here is where you share the things that you are doing to make you succeed. Since you are a team leader. You must lead by example. You duplicate/clown yourself. Here, you tip your downline to do the things that you are doing so that they can succeed like you.
I hope this will help you succeed in your SFI Business.
Thank you.
Hi Izabella!
Some, if not most of our affiliates don't visit their Sponsor's/Co-Sponsors Leadership Page. For best use to motivate and inspire your team using your Leadership Page is to make sure that your team does visit your Leadership Page. Posting valuable information in your page when your team is not visiting it, it becomes invaluable. Even posting contests won't work because they won't know/see them.
>>Blog - In your blog, share stories and information that will motivate