Linkedin is social network where you are connected with people who have some similar with you. It is depends from work, high-school or some other group. So, you can used that like information for promoting your work in SFI and target people who is serious and responsible for job in SFI. Linkedin will find people for you and you can remember some more who is maybe great for SFI but you didn't remember. Also, people who have Linkedin profile, probably have computer skills, so that is verz good for start.
Linkedin is social network where you are connected with people who have some similar with you. It is depends from work, high-school or some other group. So, you can used that like information for promoting your work in SFI and target people who is serious and responsible for job in SFI. Linkedin will find people for you and you can remember some more who is maybe great for SFI but you didn't remember. Also, people who have Linkedin profile, probably have computer skills, so that ...more