It is very important to promote Pricebenders auctions because it is only source to get SVP and also AVP and also to buy products in cheap price. Many people want to buy things in little price. But due to high price they can not afford . If someone participate in Pricebenders auctions they have chance to win it and get $500 laptop may be in $50. This is a greed factor to promote products in marketing where many customers want expensive products in less price. So many people want to invest to buy T-credits and want to get the products. In this way we can get Tripleclicks members and where we can get lifelong commission of their purchase. I hope this answer is helpful.
It is very important to promote Pricebenders auctions because it is only source to get SVP and also AVP and also to buy products in cheap price. Many people want to buy things in little price. But due to high price they can not afford . If someone participate in Pricebenders auctions they have chance to win it and get $500 laptop may be in $50. This is a greed factor to promote products in marketing where many customers want expensive products in less price. So many people want to invest to buy T-credits ...more