Linkedin and similar social sites all function on the basis of connecting people from all over the world who share the same interests, ideas, or are in the same or similar business. Therefore, if you list SFI as a company in which or for which you work stating online sale or affiliate marketing as a branch of business, it will automatically draw attention to your profile. It may happen to you (as it has happened to me several times upon listing 'affiliate marketing' as my field of interest) to receive messages from people from different countries asking you questions about SFI and your business.
In fact, thanks to Linkedin, I have got one of my most active PSAs from another country. People who connect to you and your business through Linkedin and similar sites are more likely to become active members because they are more serious about this kind of business and they can immediately perceive the benefits this business offers to its affiliates. All in all, my answer would be that Linkedin can help you more than you can imagine.
Linkedin and similar social sites all function on the basis of connecting people from all over the world who share the same interests, ideas, or are in the same or similar business. Therefore, if you list SFI as a company in which or for which you work stating online sale or affiliate marketing as a branch of business, it will automatically draw attention to your profile. It may happen to you (as it has happened to me several times upon listing 'affiliate marketing' as my field of interest) to receive ...more