Success in SFI can certainly be attained without investing money which is true in any business. However, it would be foolish to imply that it could be attained as easily and as quickly without investment capital.
The industrial age advanced as rapidly as it did by innovation, investment, labor input, ingenuity, and education. You have access to these elements,in varying degrees, Now use the tools provided by SFI, If used correctly at the appropriate time, great strides can be made on the road to successl.without a great deal of money. Success itself is illusory in its meaning to each of us as individuals. For most--reaching a certain plateau providing financial security for the future, reasonable time freedom, and providing for the pleasures of life would be considered success. That is possible at SFI without REQUIRING money. But to succeed, you must substitute effort and other elements in lieu of money. Are you prepared for the time differential required to reach that goal without (as you say) ANY money?
Wisdom would say to Increase your success ratio dramatically by operating SFI as a business. Invest your own or O.P.M to accelerate company growth.. If that is impractical--or impossible for you, seek guidance from others who started from a position similar to yours.,Follow successful leaders in SFI or books of others who have started from scratch. SFI has implied that it can be done. They do not necessarily recommend it. You must believe it. If not, find a way or make it.
It is good of you to ask.
Success in SFI can certainly be attained without investing money which is true in any business. However, it would be foolish to imply that it could be attained as easily and as quickly without investment capital.
The industrial age advanced as rapidly as it did by innovation, investment, labor input, ingenuity, and education. You have access to these elements,in varying degrees, Now use the tools provided by SFI, If used correctly at the appropriate time, great strides can be made on