I think this question should be directed to your daily job or business. You forgo your past month, not that you don't count it as a success or part of your business but you just want to be sure of your progress or growth in your business.
Now linking that idea to sfi, your VersaPoint each month is been reset to help you with your progress, by this, it means your different task for your present month is summed up seperately so you won't be confused with what you've earned for the past months (your present month VersaPoint is displayed at the left while your overall or all time VersaPoint is displayed at the right corner).
This also helps to know how much VersaPoint that is needed to qualify as an Executive affillate.
Also you can easily calculate your VersaPoints daily and know what activity earn you more.
Hope this helps.
I think this question should be directed to your daily job or business. You forgo your past month, not that you don't count it as a success or part of your business but you just want to be sure of your progress or growth in your business.
Now linking that idea to sfi, your VersaPoint each month is been reset to help you with your progress, by this, it means your different task for your present month is summed up seperately so you won't be confused with what you've earned for the past months ...more