Your versa points will reset to zero every month, because it is like a monthly time card. But more importantly that reset starts a new process for the next month. You can actually record your progress using your own methods and see what is working or not working for you. And you will soon find out that if you don't show up for work you will not get paid.
Taking that in mind, when you start a new position you normally don't start at the top making the big bucks. SFI, same thing! You have to show up everyday, do the work, put in the time, and then you will get paid. So try to submit your time card with more hours and complete all the work everyday, every month!
I explain it like this
Your versa points will reset to zero every month, because it is like a monthly time card. But more importantly that reset starts a new process for the next month. You can actually record your progress using your own methods and see what is working or not working for you. And you will soon find out that if you don't show up for work you will not get paid.
Taking that in mind, when you start a new position you normally don't start at the top making the ...more