In SFI, "VersPaoints(VPs)" Earned by us, each month, is the is the "Measure" for our "Earnings & Rankings" for the respective months, (similar to the number of "hours" booked at work by a salaried person!).
Hence, the VPs scored during a particular month, gets "frozen & recorded" at exactly 12.00 midnight (CST), and gets reset to "zero"; the "recorded" total VPs for a month (AVPs & SVPs) "finalizes" our Income & Ranking for the month!
Our following (new) month's earnings, start getting recorded, once again, from 00.00 hours (12.00 midnight) of the new month, and the "cycle" gets repeated over and over, again!
The (monhtly) VPs scored are "NOT LOST", but kept on record as "Cumulative Total VPs", to decide our "Power Rankings"!
In SFI, "VersPaoints(VPs)" Earned by us, each month, is the is the "Measure" for our "Earnings & Rankings" for the respective months, (similar to the number of "hours" booked at work by a salaried person!).
Hence, the VPs scored during a particular month, gets "frozen & recorded" at exactly 12.00 midnight (CST), and gets reset to "zero"; the "recorded" total VPs for a month (AVPs & SVPs) "finalizes" ...more