For your information, VersaPoints(VP) that you earn this month do not carry over into the next month. Just to your overall cumulative total. When start of a new month, points are reset for everyone. We all start over at 0 VP, including myself. Everyone have to start earning and accumulate VP for the new month to re-qualify as EA2 with minimum 1500 to 2999 VP.
EA2 - 2 means from second month onwards re-qualify as an EA.
1500 VP required for EA status can come from any COMBINATION of actions, purchases and sales.
For example, a personal purchase worth 500 VP, plus a customer(your personally referred TripleClicks member) sale worth 500 VP, plus 500 VP via actions in the To-Do List would combine to equal 1500 VP and re-qualify for EA status for the month.
Doing the To-Do List simple actions is one of the way to earn free VP. Review on different ways to earn more VP here:
For your information, VersaPoints(VP) that you earn this month do not carry over into the next month. Just to your overall cumulative total. When start of a new month, points are reset for everyone. We all start over at 0 VP, including myself. Everyone have to start earning and accumulate VP for the new month to re-qualify as EA2 with minimum 1500 to 2999 VP.
EA2 - 2 means from second month onwards re-qualify as an EA.
1500 VP required for EA status can come from any COMBINATION ...more