Each month your running total of Versa points drops to "0" Zero on the first of each month, regardless of the day of the month that you actually joined. That is because SFI has to account for monthly VP and payouts and they prefer to do them on a monthly basis rather than staggering the period for the join date of each individual member. It is also easy to remember that the cutoff point is midnight CST on the last day of each month and payouts are calculated for everyone on the tenth of the month. This is to help you ascertain at a glance exactly how many VersaPoints you have earned in the current month. The Header of each SFI page holds the pertinent information that you should need to attain your VersaPoint goals and keep abreast of your email, and a one click link to your Sponsors profile or Leadership Page blog depending upon their level of participation.
The second number next to your monthly VersaPoints running total is the total of number of VersaPoints that you have earned within the last 180 days+ any permanent points you may have earned at any point along your the entirety of your membership. This total is the total that is used to calculate your shares of the Executive Pool each month.
That little area on the header of your SFI page is actually a very versatile group of dynamic links which allow you one click access to not only your Sponsor but the Monthly VP number will link you to your Scoreboard page, your Total VP number will link you to the VersaPoints Ledger which holds a permanent report of all of the VersaPoints you have earned, how you earned them, and when. You can also click the yellow number next to your sponsors name to go to the email application so that you can make inquiries or contact them. You can access your email from there and you also have access to the SFI basics and Launchpad Lessons for review at any time.
Each month your running total of Versa points drops to "0" Zero on the first of each month, regardless of the day of the month that you actually joined. That is because SFI has to account for monthly VP and payouts and they prefer to do them on a monthly basis rather than staggering the period for the join date of each individual member. It is also easy to remember that the cutoff point is midnight CST on the last day of each month and payouts are calculated for everyone on the tenth of ...more