The short answer is you can't anticipate or predict most "SUPER STARS".
Yes,.. those who can dump a boat load of money into the program to start are more than likely to make things happen. But those folks are the absolute minority. They are 1 in 1,000 at best.
It's been my experience in the past 55 years of doing business, most of the folks you think "can do" - "won't".. and the least likely "will". Especially in America (land of plenty) do we witness immigrants going from rags to riches in 5 to 10 years with had work and we have 3rd generation Americans who are working jobs broke and living paycheck to paycheck or on welfare. Why?.. We lose the want too! The try! The Dream! The Belief! The determination!! This is something you cannot anticipate in another person. You have to witness it!!!
All you can do is offer an honest real opportunity to everyone willing to listen. Be observant of those who are showing you they want it and work with the worker's! The Do'ers! The one's who don't know it won't work, so they just make it work!!!...
The short answer is you can't anticipate or predict most "SUPER STARS".
Yes,.. those who can dump a boat load of money into the program to start are more than likely to make things happen. But those folks are the absolute minority. They are 1 in 1,000 at best.
It's been my experience in the past 55 years of doing business, most of the folks you think "can do" - "won't".. and the least likely "will". Especially in America (land of plenty) ...more