Each month commission is paid out to affiliates who are EA2 and above, a check is issued or money deposited. The VersaPoints(VP) that we acquire during the month are used to calculate this commission and pay us.
On the first day of the next month we begin earning again. We require a new set of VersaPoints to calculate our commission for a new check at the end of that month.
The VP's are therefore reset to '0' because your commission is set to '0' once paid.
The VP's don't disappear altogether, they are added to your VersaPoints ledger.
Each month commission is paid out to affiliates who are EA2 and above, a check is issued or money deposited. The VersaPoints(VP) that we acquire during the month are used to calculate this commission and pay us.
On the first day of the next month we begin earning again. We require a new set of VersaPoints to calculate our commission for a new check at the end of that month.
The VP's are therefore reset to '0' because your commission is set to '0' once paid.