Firstly you ought to make it clear to the team members what VersaPoints are. These are points you are awarded for doing the actions listed on your SFI To-Do List at www.sfimg.com/Home?section=ToDo.
Doing these actions will show you how SFI works and help you get trained. Plus, as the points you earn for doing these actions accumulate, you increase your payouts and perks!
So, simply put: to be awarded shares from the Executive pool / and commission calculation; there is need to set a time period for it. In accounting it is called period of income. Every month your actions are rewarded according to the versapoints you have gathered that month. The next month you will have to work towards your desired goal of income by collecting more points afresh. In SFI, we earn from the executive pool on a monthly basis. When the month ends and your income/ commission is credited in the 10th day of the following month. This means you have already used these points and then you work from zero the coming month.
Firstly you ought to make it clear to the team members what VersaPoints are. These are points you are awarded for doing the actions listed on your SFI To-Do List at www.sfimg.com/Home?section=ToDo.
Doing these actions will show you how SFI works and help you get trained. Plus, as the points you earn for doing these actions accumulate, you increase your payouts and perks!
So, simply put: to be awarded shares from the Executive pool / and commission calculation; there ...more