It all depends on what you want to do dwith your business and what you can budget.
Right now I send my budgeted advertiising dollars on our Team Co-op and on S-Builder. This cost me about $60.00 a month and adds 50 to 60 PSA's a month to my personel dowline. Them my downline adds about anothe 100 a month. Remember we get paid for all of it.
However When I started with SFI in 2008 I had no advertising money. I started with free safelists, classified adds, x cards, anything that I could do. This brought me at that time about 200 new PSA's a year.
Remember Do You want to grow a successful business? Then grow your downlines starting for free and re-invest your comissions in your business.
It all depends on what you want to do dwith your business and what you can budget.
Right now I send my budgeted advertiising dollars on our Team Co-op and on S-Builder. This cost me about $60.00 a month and adds 50 to 60 PSA's a month to my personel dowline. Them my downline adds about anothe 100 a month. Remember we get paid for all of it.
However When I started with SFI in 2008 I had no advertising money. I started with free safelists, classified adds, x cards, anything that I could do. ...more