I would like to tell you that for building a business needs some investment. In SFI the investment is your time. Here is my few tips which may help u to get your answer.
1. Just tell the people that in SFI you need time not the money.
2. More time you spend on your work with SFI then you get more profit.
3. for getting the benefit of FAST TRACK membership they have to buy atleast a New Member
Pack as Standing order because it gives so many benefits like i have got 3 CSA , Tcredits and Versa Ponts. DUE to one extra entry in Daily Crown i got $20 Gift Certificate. so my investment was succesfull.
4. If they dont want to spend one bucks then tell them to participate in games which have free entries. From there they can win prizes and awads .
Hope The answer might help you.
I would like to tell you that for building a business needs some investment. In SFI the investment is your time. Here is my few tips which may help u to get your answer.
1. Just tell the people that in SFI you need time not the money.
2. More time you spend on your work with SFI then you get more profit.
3. for getting the benefit of FAST TRACK membership they have to buy atleast a New Member
Pack as Standing order because it gives so many benefits like i have ...more