In my experience, there is no need to fix something that is not broken. You can learn all you need to be an effective marketer from SFI training from people who have been there and done it. I find that most people want a end all be all solution to their marketing needs and that just does not exists. Everyone has a different work ethic, budget, and other circumstances that will affect how well your marketing does. The key to getting the most out of any system is to execute consistently with frequency over time making appropriate adaptation to fit your needs along the way. That's the beauty of SFI system.
The compensation plan and marketing strategies taught are very flexible. If you have a large budget, then you can take advantage of several shares of the S-builder and do well over time. But if not, then you can sign up for as many free traffic resources as you can handle and track for performance. You have to remember that you have to differentiate yourself from the crowd so you need to brand yourself and become an authority to your team. If they don't see you as a leader that they trust it is difficult to get duplication.
In conclusion, the simplified basics are solid. If you practice so that you can become proficient at sponsoring, referring, and duplication then why settle for anything else? Too many SFI affiliates complicate the plan. Truly it is as simple as monkey see, monkey do. It is inexpensive in comparison to other online opportunities and they usually don't even pan out. SFI's marketing plan, compensation plan, and the SFI Basics are all you need.
In my experience, there is no need to fix something that is not broken. You can learn all you need to be an effective marketer from SFI training from people who have been there and done it. I find that most people want a end all be all solution to their marketing needs and that just does not exists. Everyone has a different work ethic, budget, and other circumstances that will affect how well your marketing does. The key to getting the most out of any system is to execute consistently with frequency ...more