To find a job online involving filing out forms and typing is similar to competing filling survey forms and sending out emails,letters or doing translation works as directed by the businesses or organisations that solicited opinion,ideas mostly to get feed backs from customers or clients or provide paid professional expertise in their areas of contribution. They are paid by hour, by scripts and the quality of their works.
Most of these online jobs require registration and pay a certain fee to participate. I did try a few times but I was caught in the scams. The online jobs and the websites disappeared. From that time onwards, I would never try to get involved.
To a PSA who wants to find this online job either as part time or full time, my advice is make a thorough research of these business agencies to find out their authenticity and legality of their existence.
Bear in mind that they may demand your personal identity and high quality of performance which may lead to stress.
I would strongly advise him/her to stick to SFI as SFI can provide part time and full time job working at own convenience from home or anywhere as long as there is a computer, laptop or smartphone with internet available.
Using all the SFI marketing tools, there are endless ways to promote, operate and earn from SFI. From sales, commission is earned. Having an active team, residual income is earned up to 12 generations. SFI will continue on in the next 5, 10, 20 or 30 years. It has been operating successfully in 17 years and it continues to growth and expand. Income opportunities are unlimited. So why go for other online jobs which you are not sure to be successful but end up in the scam!
To find a job online involving filing out forms and typing is similar to competing filling survey forms and sending out emails,letters or doing translation works as directed by the businesses or organisations that solicited opinion,ideas mostly to get feed backs from customers or clients or provide paid professional expertise in their areas of contribution. They are paid by hour, by scripts and the quality of their works.
Most of these online jobs require registration and pay a certain fee