Hello, David Sharp.
It is highly possible that when we are prospecting for potential affiliates, we will encounter some who hold such expectations: "finding online jobs filling out forms or doing clerical tasks" for compensation.
A. I have personally checked out some of these online job offers. What I have found is that most of them are actually scams and schemes of con artists. I have yet to find a single one that is legitimate and holds its promises. There is ample evidence of online complaints from people who have been defrauded through such schemes.
You just need to some a quick research to find that online evidence and share it with your prospects.
B. If you have an affiliate who has already signed up with SFI, but still holds the hopes to finding 'online clerical work such as filling forms and the like..', you are in an excellent position to educate them and help them have realistic expectations.
What you need to do is to compare SFI against those flight by night scams and fraudulent job offers.
First, nearly all of such job offers have entry fees. One has to pay something to get in. Very often, other fees will be also required for training and for each of the tasks in which one is hoping to involved. People will spend most of their money without earning any substantial income.
C. SFI is the opposite to such job offers.
We all joined without paying any entry fee.
We all are here working without any obligation to buy anything.
We all have here free resources, training and tools and there are no requirement to pay anything to use them.
Every affiliate can start earning now while also building their long term financial security.
SFI is not a "Get rich Quick" scheme.
SFI is not a scam.
SFI is here for the long haul.
D. One Final Point
When I compare SFI with any other business, it delights me to use the data of:
"SFI by the Numbers"
We all get this data at least once a week. We should use it in our prospecting efforts to give to prospects a clear idea of what SFI is and how it stands out against other online business, especially those "flight by night" and scams out there".
For ready reference, below is the data on "SFI by the numbers"
17th successful year for SFI (30th for SFI's parent company)
1.6 million affiliates (21,477 new added last week)
3.8 million TripleClicks members
89,361 commissionable products (733 new added last week)
3,925 E-Commerce Affiliates (in 148 countries)
97 LocalPay Merchants (in 29 countries)
Millions - Commissions paid out to our affiliates (in US Dollars)
Good luck with your PSAs, Dave.