There is a group of actions I would recommend my team to focus on and here is why.
As soon as possible early in the new month,get your SO-standing order.
I make mine T credits and at least 10 referrals.
Work with the active ones.If you notice they are slow,then
send them down to someone who speaks their language.
Transfer buying I would recommend as a first action you should focus on monthly.
Use the search engine to find products you loved in your past.
If you cannot find them, then ask someone from that product company to join you and become an ECA.
There is a group of actions I would recommend my team to focus on and here is why.
As soon as possible early in the new month,get your SO-standing order.
I make mine T credits and at least 10 referrals.
Work with the active ones.If you notice they are slow,then
send them down to someone who speaks their language.
Transfer buying I would recommend as a first action you should focus on monthly.
Use the search engine to find products you loved ...more